Play Scala Json Writer for Seq of Tuple
I am trying to find a way to use the built-in Json Writer macro to serialize Seq [(String, Customer)]
I managed to do this for Seq [Customer], but when the tuple is added, the compiler starts yelling at me.
This code works:
import play.api.libs.json._
case class Customer(name: String, age: Int)
//we use the dummy var as a workaround to the json writer limitations (cannot handle single argument case class)
case class Demo(customers: Seq[Customer], dummy: Option[String] = None)
object Demo {
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
implicit val customer_writer = Json.writes[Customer]
implicit val writes: Writes[Demo] = (
(__ \ "customers").write[Seq[Customer]] and
(__ \ "dummy").writeNullable[String]) {
(d: Demo) => (d.customers,d.dummy)
BUT the code below (just replace Seq [Customer] with Seq [(String, Customer)] Doesn't copy ... Any help is really appreciated:
import play.api.libs.json._
case class Customer(name: String, age: Int)
//we use the dummy var as a workaround to the json writer limitations (cannot handle single argument case class)
case class Demo(customers: Seq[(String,Customer], dummy: Option[String] = None)
object Demo {
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
implicit val customer_writer = Json.writes[Customer]
implicit val writes: Writes[Demo] = (
(__ \ "customers").write[Seq[(String,Customer)]] and
(__ \ "dummy").writeNullable[String]) {
(d: Demo) => (d.customers,d.dummy)
this is the compiler error i got:
No Json serializer found for type Seq[(String,]
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1 answer
The library makes no assumptions about how you want your tuple to be serialized. You can use an array, object, etc.
By adding this implicit function Writes
, your serializer will output it as an array.
implicit def tuple2Writes[A, B](implicit a: Writes[A], b: Writes[B]): Writes[Tuple2[A, B]] = new Writes[Tuple2[A, B]] {
def writes(tuple: Tuple2[A, B]) = JsArray(Seq(a.writes(tuple._1), b.writes(tuple._2)))
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