In an Eclipse project, how do I get the file automatically included when using SLF4J Simple Logging?

I downloaded and unzip SLF4J 1.7.12 on my PC in a folder D:/SOURCE/ProgramsInstalled/slf4j-1.7.12


I want to work with Simple Logging for SLF4J, so I'm concentrating on these two files:

  • slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar

  • slf4j-simple-1.7.12.jar

In eclipse, I want the above 2 files to be treated as 1 library, so I can include this library in any project if I need it.

So in Eclipse I created a new custom library named SLF4J_1.7.12_SIMPLE

and included the above two files in it.

Now in any project where I want to use Simple Logging for SLF4J, I can just include this custom library SLF4J_1.7.12_SIMPLE


But in any such project, I also want to include the

. Is it possible to automatically include this file in a project if that project includes a custom library SLF4J_1.7.12_SIMPLE

? If so, how?

Let's assume the file

is in a folder D:/SOURCE/ProgramsInstalled/slf4j-1.7.12




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