Jet string operation

This is my first question here and I am new to powershell.

I have a folder $home\Devoluciones\

with multiple files named DtoXXXYYYYMM.dat where XXX is the company number, YYYY is the current year and MM is the current month.

What I need to do is copy these files to folders with the company name, for example, if I have Dto509201506.dat and Dto908201506.dat I need to copy these files to $destination\509\

and $destination\908\


So far, I have the following code:

#List the items and send to a.txt
ls $home\Devoluciones\Dto*.dat | select -exp Name > $home\a.txt
#From a.txt keep first 6 characters and send to b.txt
Get-Content $home\a.txt | foreach {$_.remove(6)} | Add-Content $home\b.txt
#From b.txt replace Dto with "" and send to c.txt
Get-Content $home\b.txt | foreach {$_ -replace "Dto",""} | Add-Content $home\c.txt
#From c.txt copy the files to destination
Get-Content $home\c.txt | foreach {copy-item $home\Devoluciones\*$_*.dat $Destination\$_\}
#Clean temp files
Remove-Item -ErrorAction Ignore $home\a.txt -Force
Remove-Item -ErrorAction Ignore $home\b.txt -Force
Remove-Item -ErrorAction Ignore $home\c.txt -Force


I would like to achieve the same result by making it "cleaner" than this, I want to learn how to manipulate a string in one line, and if possible, copy everything with just one command.

Thank you, Nestor.


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2 answers

Here's a simple implementation that should be straightforward. I'm sure someone will add a more concise answer in one line.

$Files = Get-Childitem -path "$home\Devoluciones\*" -include *.dat
foreach ($file in $files) {
    $company = $file.Name.Substring(3,3)
    copy-item $file.FullName (join-path (join-path $Destination $company) $file.Name)


EDIT: Fixed bug in destination path

EDIT2: Get-ChildItem "The Include parameter is only valid when the command includes the Recurse parameter or the path leads to a content directory such as C: \ Windows * where a wildcard character is specified."



All PowerShells can be written as one terrible line if you want it to be, but here's something that's pretty short.

$path = "$home\Devoluciones\"
$destination = "C:\temp"
Get-ChildItem "$path\dto*.dat" | Copy-Item  -Destination {[System.IO.Path]::Combine($destination,($_.Name).Substring(3,3),$_.Name)} -Force


What this will do is exactly what you want. Take all the filtered files and copy each of them to the folder corresponding to the 3-6 letter code contained inside. If the destination folder does not exist, we use -Force

it to create it. Useful for new company codes. We use [System.IO.Path]::Combine

to make the path to the target file, which consists of the destination folder, the company folder and the current file in the pipe.



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