Linux profile.d environment variables not working with cx_oracle in Python

This is a bit of a follow-up from my previous question: cx_Oracle does not recognize the installation location of Oracle software to install on Linux .

After I was able to install cx_oracle correctly, I wanted to set up my environment so that environment variables didn't have to be exported every time.

To do this, I wrote a shellscript that included these two export statements:

export ORACLE_HOME=/home/user1/instantclient_12_1


And saved this .sh file in a folder /etc/profile.d/


When I log into the server again with PuTTY, the echo statements say that environment variables exist:



But when I run some python code with cx_oracle I get the error:

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


The code runs again when I re-enter the export commands for environment variables. After that, the cx_oracle code works fine.

Why are my environment variables not working as expected, even though they appear when I echo? And how can I get my environment variables to persist correctly?

The guides I've read say to do this with a shell script in /etc/profile.d/

because it's better not to edit /etc/profile



I tried adding two export lines to /etc/profile

, but I still get the same problem where environment variables exist when I echo, but I still get this error when trying to use cx_oracle in python:

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Are you missing some key information about defining environment variables?

Second update: I tried to initialize the environment with a shell script that I planned to run with code that calls cx_Oracle: content:

export ORACLE_HOME=/home/user1/instantclient_12_1
python3 ./UDPDBQuery.pyc


And I am trying to run the code in the background by executing:

bash &


But I still run into the same error as before, as if I hadn't introduced the environment variables. It only works if I export the variables myself and then run the code again. When I log out, the code also stops running in the background. I am still very confused as to why it is not working.

Are environment variables unusable for cx_oracle unless I manually make an export statement for them?


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1 answer

Ok, I found out that one of the two environment variables did not properly export the file .sh

to /etc/profile.d

, and doing $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

would give me No such file or directorytclient_12_1


it does /home/user1/instantclient_12_1/: is a directory


The way I resolved this was to split the export expressions into two separate shell scripts in profile.d


Everything works now.



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