Convert DotNetZip ZipFile to Byte Array

I created a DotNetZip ZipFile with multiple entries. I would like to convert it to a byte array in order to load it using the load construct below.

   Using wrkZip As New ZipFile
        '----- create zip, add memory stream----------
       For n As Integer = 0 To wrkAr.Count - 1
           wrkFS = wrkAr(n)
           wrkZip.AddEntry(wrkFS.FileName, wrkFS.ContentStream)

   dim wrkBytes() as Byte
   dim wrkFileName as string = "Test.txt"

   ===> wrkBytes = ConvertToByteArray(wrkZip) <==== 

        context.Response.ContentType = "application/force-download"
        context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & wrkFileName)
        wrkBytesInStream = Nothing


I understand there is a ZipFile method for this:



However, I have a tricky error in using this described here:

Downloading DotNetZip works on one site and not another

so I am looking for a short term workaround. A short history of the error is that ZipFile writes to disk in order and loads on a very similar website; it just doesn't work if I need it right now.

So how do I convert DotNetZip ZipFile to byte array? I have looked at other answers however they do not describe this specific case of converting an integer loaded ZipFile.


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1 answer

Use MemoryStream

to get content into byte array:

Dim ms as New MemoryStream
wrkBytes = ms.ToArray()




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