How do I convert Rational to a "pretty" string?
I want to display some values Rational
in their decimal expansion. That is, instead of displaying, 3 % 4
I prefer to display 0.75
. I would like this function to be of type Int -> Rational -> String
. The first is Int
to specify the maximum number of decimal places, since extensions Rational
may not be terminating.
Hoogle and peak for Data.Ratio didn't help me. Where can I find this feature?
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Here's an arbitrary precision solution that doesn't use floats:
import Data.Ratio display :: Int -> Rational -> String display len rat = (if num < 0 then "-" else "") ++ (shows d ("." ++ take len (go next))) where (d, next) = abs num `quotRem` den num = numerator rat den = denominator rat go 0 = "" go x = let (d, next) = (10 * x) `quotRem` den in shows d (go next)
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An arbitrary version of precision that reuses library code :
import Data.Number.CReal
display :: Int -> Rational -> String
display digits num = showCReal digits (fromRational num)
I know I saw the function before it converts rationalists to numbers in a way that makes them easier to test (i.e. it allows you to understand where the numbers start repeating), but I can't find them now. In any case, it is not difficult to write if it turns out to be necessary; you just code a regular long division algorithm and watch the divisions you've already done.
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import Data.List as L
import Data.Ratio
display :: (Integral i, Show i) => Int -> Ratio i -> String
display len rat = (if num < 0 then "-" else "") ++ show ip ++ "." ++ L.take len (go (abs num - ip * den))
num = numerator rat
den = denominator rat
ip = abs num `quot` den
go 0 = ""
go x = shows d (go next)
(d, next) = (10 * x) `quotRem` den
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Here's one I wrote a few weeks ago. You can specify the number of decimal places you want (correctly rounded), or just go by Nothing
, in which case it will print the full precision, including marking the repeated decimal places.
module ShowRational where
import Data.List(findIndex, splitAt)
-- | Convert a 'Rational' to a 'String' using the given number of decimals.
-- If the number of decimals is not given the full precision is showed using (DDD) for repeating digits.
-- E.g., 13.7/3 is shown as \"4.5(6)\".
showRational :: Maybe Int -> Rational -> String
showRational (Just n) r =
let d = round (abs r * 10^n)
s = show (d :: Integer)
s' = replicate (n - length s + 1) '0' ++ s
(h, f) = splitAt (length s' - n) s'
in (if r < 0 then "-" else "") ++ h ++ "." ++ f
-- The length of the repeating digits is related to the totient function of the denominator.
-- This means that the complexity of computing them is at least as bad as factoring, i.e., it quickly becomes infeasible.
showRational Nothing r =
let (i, f) = properFraction (abs r) :: (Integer, Rational)
si = if r < 0 then "-" ++ show i else show i
decimals f = loop f [] ""
loop x fs ds =
if x == 0 then
case findIndex (x ==) fs of
Just i -> let (l, r) = splitAt i ds in l ++ "(" ++ r ++ ")"
Nothing -> let (c, f) = properFraction (10 * x) :: (Integer, Rational) in loop f (fs ++ [x]) (ds ++ show c)
in if f == 0 then si else si ++ "." ++ decimals f
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