Will the OnAuthorization Method of AuthorizationFilterAttribute be executed every time a request comes in?

I am writing a Web API (v2.2) to access another REST API. The reason is that I want to restrict some functionality and provide more user-friendly data. In short, I am writing a wrapper for some REST API. I provide authentication / authorization through my implementation AuthorizationFilterAttribute

. Here's a snippet of code:

public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)
    var authorizeHeader = actionContext.Request.Headers.Authorization;
    if (authorizeHeader != null
        && authorizeHeader.Scheme.Equals("basic", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
        && String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorizeHeader.Parameter) == false)
      // Code to test is username/password correct for second API 
      // Trying to get some recourse with provided credentials
      // ...


Now I want to understand if I have set an action attribute

for a controller like:

[SecureResourceAttribute] // This is my attribute
public IHttpActionResult GetDispatch(string taskId, string dispatchId)


Every time I request this action, OnAuthorization

will the method be executed? Does it install anywhere that client is already allowed? If not, how can I get it to keep the client already logged in?

Thank you for your time.


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1 answer

Q: Will OnAuthorization be called on every call?

A: If the controller is decorated with the [Authorize] attribute, yes.

Q: does it store this client somewhere already authorized?

A: No. The service has no status by default.

Q: If not, how can I get it to keep this client already authorized?

A: This again refers to the fact that the WEB API service is stateless and there is no relationship between the various requests that come in.



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