Providing Authentication Information via msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP
I am using Classic ASP and am trying to use the JustGiving API.
I would like to use it to display the total received and the total donations received on my donations page on my website.
I see that information is available via:
vurl = ""
Set http = Server.CreateObject("msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
http.Open "GET", vurl, False
Set dom = Server.CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument")
dom.loadXML http.responseText
Set items = dom.getElementsByTagName("account")
For Each item In items
Set var_totalDonated = item.getElementsByTagName("totalDonated")
If NOT (var_totalDonated IS Nothing) Then
var_totalDonated = ap(totalDonated(0).Text)
response.write var_totalDonated
End If
However, the page doesn't work when I access it.
I think because I need to provide some authentication information as described here:
So I got this authentication information.
But I have no idea how to "send" it to the API so that it can authenticate me as a user and provide information.
It also mentions providing header information on the link above this one (I can't post the link as I don't have enough reputation), but replace #protectedResources at the end of the url with #contentTypes.
Sorry, am I missing something on this side too?
Sorry if I'm asking stupid questions, but the API docs information suggests some level of intelligence on the part of the user, and I don't have it!
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks to John for your answer.
Based on this, I changed the code to:
vurl = ""
Set http = Server.CreateObject("msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
http.Open "GET", vurl, False, "username", "pwd"
http.setTimeouts 5000, 5000, 10000, 10000 ''ms - resolve, connect, send, receive
http.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic MY_AUTH_STRING"
Set dom = Server.CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument")
dom.loadXML http.responseText
Set items = dom.getElementsByTagName("account")
For Each item In items
Set var_totalDonated = item.getElementsByTagName("totalDonated")
If NOT (var_totalDonated IS Nothing) Then
var_totalDonated = (var_totalDonated(0).Text)
response.write var_totalDonated
End If
But unfortunately the page still doesn't work.
I check also via:! Theme / justgiving-api / Xhz5Fkxuy1s
But there is no answer yet.
Thanks again
Fixed version
Sub debug( varName )
Dim varValue
varValue = Eval( varName )
response.write "<p style='margin:10px; border-bottom:2px solid #ccc;border-top:1px solid #eaeaea;background-color:white;padding:10px;color:red;text-align:left;'><strong>" & varName & "</strong>: " & varvalue & "</p>" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
End Sub
vurl = ""
Set http = Server.CreateObject("msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
http.Open "GET", vurl, False, username, password
http.setTimeouts 5000, 5000, 10000, 10000 'ms - resolve, connect, send, receive
http.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic AUTH_STRING"
Response.ContentType = "application/xml"
Set dom = Server.CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument")
dom.loadXML http.responseText
Set items = dom.getElementsByTagName("account")
For Each item In items
Set var_totalDonated = item.getElementsByTagName("totalDonated")
If NOT (var_totalDonated IS Nothing) Then
var_totalDonated = ap(var_totalDonated(0).Text)
debug "var_totalDonated"
End If
Set var_totalRaised = item.getElementsByTagName("totalRaised")
If NOT (var_totalRaised IS Nothing) Then
var_totalRaised = ap(var_totalRaised(0).Text)
debug "var_totalRaised"
End If
Set var_totalGiftAid = item.getElementsByTagName("totalGiftAid")
If NOT (var_totalGiftAid IS Nothing) Then
var_totalGiftAid = ap(var_totalGiftAid(0).Text)
debug "var_totalGiftAid"
End If
I used to use:
vurl = ""
But when I changed it to https it worked.
I thought I had tried this before, but obviously I haven't.
Thanks again John, I really appreciate your help!
http.Open "GET", vurl, False, "yourusername", "yourpassword"
I don't know if this works on justgiving, but it works with the Bing API
Also, this question could be XmlHttp Request Basic Authentication Issue
Edit - using Response.ContentType and Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0
vurl = ""
Set http = Server.CreateObject("msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
http.Open "GET", vurl, False, "username", "pwd"
http.setTimeouts 5000, 5000, 10000, 10000 'ms - resolve, connect, send, receive'
http.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic MY_AUTH_STRING"
Response.ContentType = "application/xml"
Set items = http.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("account")
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Sorry for adding to the old post. However, this comes up all the time when Googling helps with MailChimp API V3.0 and VBA.
This is the fix I used:
ret = objhttp.Open("POST", sURL, False)
objhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
objhttp.setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
'V3 API uses HTTP Basic Authorisation inside an https: wrapper.
'The standard windows method does not seem to work however the
'following hack does.
'In summary the user name and APIkey are seperated with a Colon: and
'base 64 encoded and added to a Http RequestHeader
objhttp.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & Base64Encode(APIUser & ":" & ApiKey)
objhttp.send (sJson)
You will need to encode the Base64Encode function. I took the code from (Ex StackOverflow) and pasted it into a VBA module.
Hope it helps.
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