Dijkstra's algorithm using a priority queue

So I am trying to implement Dijkstra's algorithm using the priority queue data structure in java. Since the comparable operator in java cannot compare two variables, so I need to "change it Comparator

. How can I change it?"

         int index = Q.peek().edge;
         long d = Q.peek().dis;

         if(d!=D[index]) continue; // HERE I AM CHECKING IF IT ALREADY PROCEEDED OR NOT

         for(int i=0;i<maps[index].size();i++){
               int e = maps[index].get(i).edge;
                d =  maps[index].get(i).dis;
                    D[e]= D[index]+d;
                    Q.add(new Node(e,D[e])); // NEED TO MODIFY


Then I came across this code:

 while (!q.isEmpty()) {
      long cur = q.remove();
      int curu = (int) cur;
      if (cur >>> 32 != prio[curu])
      for (Edge e : edges[curu]) {
        int v = e.t;
        int nprio = prio[curu] + e.cost;
        if (prio[v] > nprio) {
          prio[v] = nprio;
          pred[v] = curu;
          q.add(((long) nprio << 32) + v);


How instructions work q.add(((long) nprio << 32) + v);

and cur >>> 32 != prio[curu]

. Please HElp.


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1 answer

Java Priorityqueue sorts according to natural ordering if no comparator is specified.

You either need:

  • implement compareTo in Node class
  • create a comparator that compares your nodes according to priority (priority = distance from origin for Dijkstra)

The second code you provided uses the upper 32 bits long to preserve priority, thus making the natural order a reflection of the distance from the origin.

Basically, the code is 100% the same as yours, with the difference that the data structure. You are using a class, the second code is using long nesting of two integers (node ​​id and distance / priority).



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