Use parameters in window.location.replace

I have the following script that works great:

if(error1 == 1){
    window.alert('You have already signed up!');


But when I want to use the following url instead of index.php it doesn't override the parameters:

if(error1 == 1){
    window.alert('You have already signed up!');


This code redirects me to$Campaign_id.&worker=.$Worker_id.

, while I need the parameters to be replaced with their actual numbers.

I know I can use a php header, I have also used it in my php codes like this and with this working fine:

echo "<script>alert('PLEASE SIGN UP FIRST!');window.location = '".$Campaign_id."&worker=".$Worker_id."';</script>";


but I would like to know how I can use the parameters using window.location.replace.



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2 answers

Try the following:

if(error1 == 1){
    window.alert('You have already signed up!');
    window.location.replace('<?php echo $Campaign_id; ?>&worker=<?php echo $Worker_id; ?>');


Above will work if it's a php file and not a js file



@Mona: In the code below, I have used produt_id as a javascript variable.

var product_id=1;
window.location.replace("/newpage/page.php?id=" + product_id);


So, if you compare this to your code, you need to take the values โ€‹โ€‹of your php variable into a javascript variable and then you have to pass them according to the above method I gave in the example.

Hope it makes your day!

Cheers :): P



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