Perl: can you use the "use" d module or set to include the script?

For example, each of my scripts has this at the top:

use warnings; use strict; use v5.10;
use Tools;


My Tools package has a lot of features that I use all the time. I'd rather just enable it and use warnings for it, strict and 5.10 to include the script, since I have to use

use the ones for each script. Is there a way to do this?


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1 answer

You can use Import :: Into with a custom method import

to include stuff in the import class. For example:

package Tools;

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature ':5.10';

use Import::Into;

sub import {
    my $target = caller;
    strict->import::into( $target );
    warnings->import::into( $target );
    feature->import::into( $target, ':5.10' );

    # other imports, etc


I wrote a more detailed post on using Import :: Into here: Removing Perl Boilerplate with Import :: Into .



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