Using javascript for loop use php array variables

Small problem that I cannot figure out

So I have a php array that I want to access via javascript using a for loop to specify the index. For example,

 $myArray = array("a", "b", "c");

<script type="text/javascript">
for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){
        $('<div class="pops"> Hello '+ THIS IS WHERE I WANT THE PHP VARIABLES +'</div>').appendTo(elements[i]);


I would like to access the variables in $ myArray using 'i' in the javascript loop as there will be the same number of variables as there are for the loop iterations.

I tried to read about possible solutions to solve this problem but couldn't figure it out. I tried using the following code, but came up with nothing;

$('<div class="pops"> Hello '+ <?php echo $myArray[i]; ?> +'</div>').appendTo(elements[i]);


I feel that I am in trouble for the following two reasons; My syntax is probably completely wrong. The "i" variable that I use to access the array index is still a javascript variable.

I am new to javascript / php, so please forgive me. Thanks for any help!


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2 answers

Simple conversion to json and adding to script element.

<?php $myArray = array("a", "b", "c"); ?>

<script type="text/javascript">

// I assume phpArray length equals to elements length

var phpArray = <?php echo json_encode($myArray); ?> ;
for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){
    $('<div class="pops"> Hello '+ phpArray[i] +'</div>').appendTo(elements[i]);





I see two ways to do this, one with JSON as @venca said.

Another way is to use php loop.

  foreach ($myArray as $elem){
    echo '<div class="pops"> Hello '.$elem.'</div>';


This will generate one div using the pops class for each element in your php array. If you want to run javascript code instead, you should do something like this:

  int i=0;
  foreach ($myArray as $elem){
    echo '$("<div class=\"pops\"> Hello '.$elem.'</div>").appendTo(elements['.i.'])';




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