Xampp TCP table failure returns negative number

I am working on an application that fetches large datasets from a MySQL database. Fetching all data (+ - 3000 records) works fine the first time. However, when I try to update my application (which just returns all data again), Xampp crashes and throws the following error:

[NetStatTable] Problem loading NetStat TCP table: Returned -1073741823
[EXCEPTION] System Error. Code: 6
[EXCEPTION] Acces violation at adress 005AA712 in module 'xampp-control.exe' Read of address 00000 {can't read the line ending as I can not scroll once it crashes}


I tried to provide Xampp with more resources as I thought it was a failure because I was just fetching too much data. This, however, didn't work. I don't think it could be the Java program itself. If these were bad queries, it should have been a JDBC connector giving me a program exception.


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