Add a new property based on another object

I am trying to search one column in each row of a table. Then I would like to add another value to the string based on the number being searched.

This code creates a table:

$LUNSSummary = ($NY_LUNS)  -split '\s+(?=LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER)' | foreach {
    $Stringdata = $_.replace(':','=')
    New-Object PSObject -Property $(ConvertFrom-StringData $Stringdata)

$LUNSSummary |
    select 'Name','LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER','State','LUN Capacity(Megabytes)','LU Storage Groups' |
    Format-Table -AutoSize


enter image description here

Then I have this code that can search using "Logical Device Number" and produce the desired output. In this example, the content contains 1029 from the above screenshot.

$data = $LUNS_in_Pools | Out-String
$pools = $data -replace ': +','=' -split "`r`n`r`n" |
  % { New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property (ConvertFrom-StringData $_) } |
  select -Property *,@{n='LUNs';e={$_.LUNs -split ', '}} -Exclude LUNs

$pools | ? { $_.LUNs -contains 1029 } | select -Expand 'Pool Name'


What does Pool 2 produce in this case? The result could be pool 1-99.

enter image description here

I want to combine these two codes to find each "LUN" and add the result to the end of the table in the fifth section / column "Pools".


As requested, the raw data is:

Desired result: (pool derived from "LUN number") enter image description here


Now this is the closest to a fix so far, it prints the same pooling result every time.

$LUNSSummary = 
($NY_LUNS)  -split '\s+(?=LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER)' | 
foreach { $Stringdata = 
          New-Object PSObject -Property  $(ConvertFrom-StringData $Stringdata)

$data = $LUNS_in_Pools | Out-String
$pools = $data -replace ': +','=' -split "`r`n`r`n" |
  % { New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property (ConvertFrom-StringData $_) } |
  select -Property *,@{n='LUNs';e={$_.LUNs -split ', '}} -Exclude LUNs

$poolProperty = @{Label="Pool";Expression={$pools | ? { $_.LUNs -contains       [int]$_.'LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER'} | select -Expand 'Pool Name'}}
$LUNSSummary | select 'Name','LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER','State','LUN      Capacity(Megabytes)','LU Storage Groups',$poolProperty


if i check the output $pools | ? { $_.LUNs -contains [int]$_.'LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER'} | select -Expand 'Pool Name'

I only see one result. I think maybe it should be looped in some way?


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1 answer

On the assumption of this, you just need another calculated property at the end for the "Pool". You already have and tested your logic. You just need to implement it.

$poolProperty = @{Label="Pool";Expression={
    $lunID = $_.'LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER';
    $pools | Where-Object{$_.LUNs -contains $lunID} | 
        Select-Object -Expand 'Pool Name'}
$LUNSSummary | select 'Name','LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER','State','LUN Capacity(Megabytes)','LU Storage Groups',$poolProperty



current item in the pipeline and store it so we can start at a different one to retrieve the match from the object $pools

. As long as you luns

are exclusive, this always returns one Pool Name


The above should work, but I changed the way of creation $pools

to fit the logic $LUNSSummary

. I've used strings here for the raw data from your insert container.

$LUNSSummary = ($NY_LUNS)  -split '\s+(?=LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER)' | 
foreach { $Stringdata = 
          New-Object PSObject -Property  $(ConvertFrom-StringData $Stringdata)

$pools = ($LUNS_in_Pools | Out-String) -split '\s+(?=Pool Name)' | ForEach-Object{
    New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property (ConvertFrom-StringData ($_ -replace ":","=")) |
    Select -Property *,@{n='LUNs';e={$_.LUNs -split ',\s*'}} -Exclude LUNs

$poolProperty = @{Label="Pool";Expression={
    $lunID = $_.'LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER';
    $pools | Where-Object{$_.LUNs -contains $lunID} | 
        Select-Object -Expand 'Pool Name'}
$LUNSSummary | select 'Name','LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER','State','LUN Capacity(Megabytes)','LU Storage Groups',$poolProperty


Looks like it $LUNS_in_Pools

was a newline-delimited string. The pipeline has Out-String

cleared it up to remove newlines and allow regex

/ work ConvertFrom-StringData




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