Laravel storage / framework / sessions on EC2 do not allow opening stream

I am using a working deployment system for amazon beanstalk with EC2 servers and I recently added some post optimization posts to my scripts like

composer dump-autoload
sudo php artisan optimize --force
sudo php artisan route:cache


Now it is strange on one of my API endpoints that I am getting half the data and at the end I have an error

file_put_contents(/var/app/ondeck/storage/framework/sessions/34325rfeq4324qfgr4): failed to open stream: No such file or directory


What is causing this and how to fix it in the ec2 deployment setup?


I learned something! If on the server that is giving me the error, I run this command below to clear the config cache, my error goes away. So how exactly can I fix this so that I can still run php artisan: cache config and not interrupt it?

php artisan config:clear



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1 answer

The reason you are having this problem is because you run artisan config:cache

before "release" - on/var/app/ondeck

if you run eb ssh

you will see your application lives inside/var/www

You need to run config:cache

with post deployment, but it doesn't seem to be officially supported. Here's a workaround:



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