In java, what happens when an object is deleted while using it?

Here's the script:

  • I have a java Hashtable that takes string as key and object as value.

  • One thread receives an object using a key and calls a method on that object.

  • while the method is doing some operation from step b), another thread causes the deletion of that particular key that refers to the object.

What's happening?

Should I put a lock on the operation?


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5 answers

Nothing happens if you're talking about (thread safe) java.util.Hashtable

. Removing an object from Hashtable

does not affect other references to that object.

Objects are only eligible for garbage collection when nothing refers to them.



The method itself refers to an object. If you see an object, you can see it through a link.



The logic will exit and the object will be removed from the table, although the state of the table may not be accurate depending on when your streams are read from the table.



You cannot delete objects in Java. The reason you haven't run out of memory is because the garbage collector will remove them for you when you're not looking - this means that if you could indicate in any way that the object was removed, it won't get removed. (Apart from things designed for this purpose, such as finalize

and WeakReference


Removing an object from a Hashtable only affects the Hashtable; it has no effect on the actual object, and in particular it does not delete the object.



What actually happens depends on what you have specified. In particular, if step 2 has no before-before to step 3, it is possible that the value was removed from your map before step 2 begins.

Assuming the data structure in step 3 is thread safe (what Hashtable

), there will be no problem with step 3; it will delete the entry successfully. However, step 2 can run into problems without explicit blocking. For example, if you call containsKey()

before a call get()

and step 3 runs between the two calls, the behavior of step 2 will be inconsistent. This is called a race condition .

There are many ways to enforce communication between events (one of which is actually locking), but what you need will depend on your requirements.

As an aside, there is little use for it Hashtable

; it is an old, slow implementation Map

that has little benefit over the standard alternatives.

If your mapped data will only be available on one thread (or you will be using synchronous access with a custom lock), use HashMap

. If your mapped data will be shared between threads use ConcurrentHashMap




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