X86 version starts faster than x64 / Any processor

A while ago I noticed that my release version of my application starts up 2x slower than the debug version (10-12 seconds for release and 4-5 seconds for debug). This was because I set the target platform to Any CPU platform for release build and x86 for Debug build. When I change the release configuration to x86, both versions should run at the same time.

I don't understand why installing the platform on any CPU or x64 slows down the application launch so much.

I use the following libraries in my application:

  • EF6
  • Log4Net
  • Fody
  • Autofac
  • DevExpress WPF Controls

Perhaps one of the libraries in use is slowing down my application to start?


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1 answer

.NET has currently (prior to 4.6) different JIT engines for x86 and x64 platforms, and they have different launch times. In 4.6, the motors will be more similar and start times should be shorter.

You can already test with the 4.6 preview if that's the reason.

Some discussions about this can also be found at fooobar.com/questions/2236566 / ...



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