Our iOS developer has developed the game in Unity3D. How do we export it for Android?

Our iOS developer has developed the game in Unity3D. How do we export it for Android? I did a quick check on the web and it says "one click export for Android".

Is it really so? Are there ways to design it that would make it not so easy?


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1 answer

If you are asking "one click export for Android" then yes it is one click export for Android

Build Settings> Android> Switch platform> Build

But there will be some additional work for the question. Well, it depends if you are using any (self made or third party) plugins in your application. If not, no additional work is required.

If so, there are 3 possibilities:

  • All plugins (third party) are for iOS only.
  • Some of them include both Android and iOS.
  • You have created your own plugins.

Then (as you said you developed an iOS only app), obviously all the code you wrote with these plugins is also iOS specific. In this case it is recommended to wrap all this code in Unity's "Platform Dependency" checks (for iOS this is UNITY_IOS

for android it UNITY_ANDROID


This is recommended because you must first check if the app works fine on Android devices with any "plugins" nightmare. Once you are sure, you can go ahead and implement the Android side of all these plugins.

These checks only ensure that the piece of code written inside them only runs on reputable platforms. Meaning covering all iOS specific code in #if UNITY_IOS

will not hurt your iOS build, but only prevent that code from running on any platform other than iOS.

Finally, after that, you're good to go and follow this one-click export for Android method.



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