Swift: didNotContain method for array

I'm familiar with the function contains(array, object)

, but I need a "does not contain" function. I can't think of any logic to get around this, so I could use some help!

My code is currently the exact opposite of what I need. This is only adding objects that are contained in array

; I want to add every object that is not in array


The code is here:

var array = ["Ben", "Jessica", "Cody", "Katie", "Jacob"]
if array.contains("Ben") {
    print("Contains Ben")



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3 answers

I feel dumb.

!contains(array, "Ben")




You can also write an extension on Array

extension Array {
    func doesNotContain <T: Equatable> (items: T...) -> Bool {
        return !contains(items)


Now you can use it like yourArray.doesNotContain(item1, item2, item 3)




The command ".contains (element)" returns Bool, which means these 2 statements give the same result

if array.contains("Ben") { code }
if array.contains("Ben") == true { code }



if array.contains("Ben") == false { code }


Will execute code if array does not contain value



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