Create a ruler of guides and grids with fabric.js

Is there a way to create guides and grids using fabric.js like photoshop? I know a library for this purpose:

But I want to apply rulers and guides to Div. So, is there any other library or fabricJs code snippet for this?



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1 answer

There's a ruler demo here in fabricjs: . The main part is to add lines and text labels to the loop:

 window.canvas.add(new fabric.Line([measurementThickness - tickSize, location1, measurementThickness, location1], { stroke: '#888', selectable: false }));
    window.canvas.add(new fabric.Text(count + "\"", {
        left: measurementThickness - (tickSize * 2) - 7,
        top: location1,
        fontSize: 12,
        fontFamily: 'san-serif'




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