Data Frame Operations: Filter Common Rows and Delete Rows of Multiple Data Frames

     dfA <- data.frame(Efficiency=c(7,2,8,9), Value=c(3, 4, 7, 8))
     dfB <- data.frame(Efficiency=c(7,2,4,2,8,9), Value=c(3, 4, 4, 1, 7, 8))
     dfC <- data.frame(Efficiency=c(7,9), Value=c(3, 8))


I want to get common dfA and dfB lines. From the resulting data.frame file, I want to remove lines that have the same values ​​as dfC. dfA + dfB (common lines only) - dfC (overlapping lines)


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this should work:

inner_join(dfA, dfB) %>% anti_join(dfC)


which gives:

  Efficiency Value
1          8     7
2          2     4




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