TestUtils gets a React element mapped to "root"

I have a React component that maps directly to "root" (document.body), I want to get this element using TestUtils, but I don't want to keep a link to this element. Is there a way to do this?

Basically, I want something like this:

React.addons.TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(document.body, MyReactClass);


But that doesn't work (passing null

or undefined

as the first parameter doesn't work either). I am left to wonder if there is any "root" of the React Component Tree that I can get a reference to.


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1 answer

If it's for Unit test purpose, you don't need to do that, if you're testing a component MyReactClass

, just do:

const props = {//some mocked props}
const element = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<MyReactClass {...props}/>);



contains the element.

I hope I understood your question correctly ...



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