How to map Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts to Github Atom

How to map keyboard shortcuts in GitHub Atom the same way as Visual Studio.

If anyone has a key file, kindly share.

I tried to implement (Ctrl + K, Ctrl + C) in the github atom for a comment. It didn't work. Also Ctrl-K, Ctrl-U to disable comment

  'ctrl-k+ctrl-c': 'editor:toggle-line-comments'



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1 answer

Open the "Settings" panel by clicking ctrl-,

on windows cmd-,

on the layout and select the "Keys" tab. It will show you all the keywords currently in use.

You can also open the keybind recognizer using ctrl-.

, and click ctrl-k

and find out what is displayed on the keyboard.

To assign custom key bindings, go to File -> Open Your Keymap

. It will open the file keymap.cson


Add the keymap.cson

following to the file .

'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])':
  'ctrl-k ctrl-c': 'editor:toggle-line-comments'


Now you can use 'ctrl-k ctrl-c'

to comment / uncomment your code.



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