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Get JavaScript result in Powershell

I have a CSHTML file that has a block inside it <script type="text/javascript"></script>


It will show usernames:

for (var i = 0; i < result2.Users.length; i++) {
    var item = "<li style='width:100%;'>" + result2.Users[i].TchatEngineId.toString() + " | " + result2.Users[i].Pseudo + "</li>";


Now I want to get this result in Powershell, does anyone know how to do this?

I've tried with Invoke-RestMethod

and Invoke-WebRequest

, but it always returns the HTML source, not the result.


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2 answers

you can try to automate using the Internet Explorer COM object.

function wait4IE($ie=$global:ie){
    while ($ie.busy -or $ie.readystate -lt 4){start-sleep -milliseconds 200}

$global:ie=new-object -com "internetexplorer.application"





I use this approach to get certain data from the Kyocera 2552 web server. These guys are JavaScript heavy. IE opens the web page fine, but the script gets stuck in a loop while ($ ie.busy -or $ ie.readystate -lt 4) {start-sleep -milliseconds 200} forever. What could go wrong?



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