Bluetooth MAC Address Routing Bluetooth LE

Bluetooth LE introduced the ability to randomize the ad device's Bluetooth device address. Playing with the BluetoothLeAdvertiser class in Android API21 I am missing a method to enable this functionality. The device address of my test device is always the same (no randomization).

How can you use Bluetooth LE device address randomization in Android?

Thanks Martin


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1 answer

The blog you mentioned also says:

In general, these random private MAC addresses change according to the timer that the manufacturer implements in their firmware for their products. This way they know exactly how often the MAC address changes.

So it appears to be a built-in function and seems to be out of the control of the programmer. Of course, this is intended to protect the privacy of the app user. I only noticed the randomization after rebooting my smartphone, I don't know if it might differ from device to device.



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