Reply send packet according to packet sequence identifier

I have a third part server and I am writing a dll interface for it, my clients are using my DLL to communicate with the server.

The protocol uses a long tcp connection, all traffic comes from this tcp connection. There may be multiple packets sending / receiving at the same time, for example, send_msg

and heart_beat

so I have to use async_write / async_read to prevent blocking operation. Each packet has its own sequence identifier. For example, I send a message with sequence id == 123, then I have to wait for the server to respond to a packet with id == 123.

UPDATE : There is no guarantee that the server will respond to the packet ok. If two packages sent in the order A

, B

the order of the answer may be response_B

, response_A

. Sequence ID is the only way to identify a packet.

the package looks like this:

4bytes size   +   2 bytes crc check   +   4 bytes SEQUENCE ID   +   ....


The problem is that my clients who are using my dll prefer to use blocking blocks, they don't like callbacks. For example, they like

bool DLL_EXPORT send_msg(...) {
   // send msg via long_connection, the seq_id==123
   // recv msg via long_connection, just want the packet with seq_id==123 (How?)
   return if_msg_sent_successfully;


I am using boost asio, I do not know if there is any useful boost class or design patterns suitable for this scenario, here is a solution I can come up with:

// use a global std::map<seq_id, packet_content>
std::map<int, std::string> map_received;


Every time receives the packet, records seq_id

and packet_body

in map_received, and the function send_msg

looks like

bool DLL_EXPORT send_msg(...) {
   // async_send msg via long_connection, the seq_id==123
   while(not_time_out) {
       if(map_received.find(123) != map_received.end()) {
           // get the packet and erase the 123 pair
       Sleep(10); // prevent cpu cost
   return if_msg_sent_successfully;


This solution is ugly, there must be a better design for that. Any idea?


source to share

1 answer

You can use std::promise

and std::future

(or dummy copies of them if not already in C ++ 11).

The idea is to store std::shared_ptr<std::promise<bool>>

with the current sequence id as a key on the map whenever a request is sent. In the send blocking function, you expect the appropriate one to be set std::future<bool>

. When a response packet is received, the corresponding character std::promise<bool>

is removed from the card and set to a value, and the send function is "unlocked".

The following example is loosely based on the chat client example from the Boost asio documentation and is not complete (for example, a connection part is missing, header and body reads are not shared, etc.). Since it is incomplete, I have not tested the runtime, but it should illustrate the idea.

#include <thread>
#include <map>
#include <future> 
#include <iostream>

#include <boost/asio.hpp>

class Message
  enum { header_length = 10 };
  enum { max_body_length = 512 };

    : body_length_(0)

  const char* data() const
    return data_;

  char* data()
    return data_;

  std::size_t length() const
    return header_length + body_length_;

  const char* body() const
    return data_ + header_length;

  char* body()
    return data_ + header_length;

  char data_[header_length + max_body_length];
  std::size_t body_length_;

class Client
    Client(boost::asio::io_service& io_service)
        : io_service(io_service),

    bool blocking_send(const std::string& msg)
        auto future = async_send(msg);
        // blocking wait
        return future.get();

    void start_reading()
        auto handler = [this](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t /*length*/)
                               // parse response ...
                               int response_id = 0;
                               auto promise = map_received[response_id];
                                boost::asio::buffer(, Message::header_length),

    void connect()
        // ...


    std::future<bool> async_send(const std::string& msg)
        auto promise = std::make_shared<std::promise<bool>>();
        auto handler = [=](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t /*length*/){std::cout << ec << std::endl;};
        // store promise in map
        map_received[current_sequence_id] = promise;
        return promise->get_future();

    boost::asio::io_service& io_service;
    boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket;
    std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<std::promise<bool>>> map_received;
    int current_sequence_id;
    Message read_msg_;

int main()
    boost::asio::io_service io_service;
    Client client(io_service);

    std::thread t([&io_service](){; });


    return 0;




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