Saving a temporary arraylist for use in an adapter
I have a problem. I need to save ArrayList
before I delete some of the items. So I am using additional "users opied" ArrayList
with duplicate "users" ArrayList. But it doesn't work, I don't know why. After deleting some items in "users", ArrayList
this action also affects "usersCopied" ArrayList
. How to get rid of this problem? I want to keep the original list and not modify it, I will use this list to restore the original data. Thank!
public class SelectUser extends ActionBarActivity implements View.OnClickListener {
public static ArrayList<com.taxizauglom.utils.User> users;
public static ArrayList<com.taxizauglom.utils.User> usersCopied;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
users = new ArrayList<>();
// copy of users list, not changing
usersCopied = null;
mCallback = new LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<ArrayList<com.taxizauglom.utils.User>>() {
public Loader<ArrayList<com.taxizauglom.utils.User>> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) {;
return new GetUser(getApplicationContext());
public void onLoadFinished(Loader<ArrayList<com.taxizauglom.utils.User>> loader, ArrayList<com.taxizauglom.utils.User> data) {
users = data;
adapter = new MyListAdapter(users);
// Copying data
if (usersCopied == null){
Log.d(Constants.tag, "Not copied!");
} else
Log.d(Constants.tag, "Already copied!");
getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(1, null, mCallback).forceLoad();
public void copyData(ArrayList<com.taxizauglom.utils.User> data) {
usersCopied = new ArrayList<>(data);
public class MyListAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
ArrayList<User> users;
public MyListAdapter(ArrayList<User> users) {
this.users = users;
public void notifyDataSetChanged() {
// here is a problem
//After removing item from "users" list, in list "usersCopied" also was removed that element. Why?
Log.d(Constants.tag, String.valueOf("MyListAdapter users.size: " + users.size()));
Log.d(Constants.tag, String.valueOf("MyListAdapter usersCopied.size: " + usersCopied.size()));
public void onClick(View v) {
switch (v.getId()) {
// I wanna remove element only in list users
//restoring initial data from "userCopied" list
//and removing from "users" list
public void sortData() {
adapter.users = usersCopied;
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At the moment, you are still referencing user data. To make sure you don't reference anymore, change the copyData method:
public void copyData(ArrayList<com.taxizauglom.utils.User> data) {
usersCopied = new ArrayList<com.taxizauglom.utils.User>();
for (User user : data){
//Use the data from this loop user to create a new one.
usersCopied.add(new User(....));
It seems unnecessary, but if you don't create new user objects, you will keep the link in tact.
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try it
create a new list of arrays and copy the elements from the original array to the new one using the addAll method, this will solve your problem.
public void copyData(ArrayList<com.taxizauglom.utils.User> data) {
usersCopied = new ArrayList<com.taxizauglom.utils.User>();
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Create a separate class for the elements you want to keep e.g. you want to keep
1) ID
2) Name
3) School
than create a class
public class ShowItems{
public String ID;
public String NAME;
public String SCHOOL;
public ShowItems(String textID, String textNAME, String textSCHOOL) {
ID = textID;
NAME = textNAME;
Now create ArrayList
with a type ShowItems
like this
ArrayList<ShowItems> products = new ArrayList<ShowItems>();
And add data like
products.add("1", "MADDY", "CONVENT SCHOOL");
If you want to get data at some position, do it like
String strID = products.get(position).ID;
String strNAME = products.get(position).NAME;
String strSCHOOL = products.get(position).SCHOOL;
Want to remove items at a specific position ...? Not a problem like this ....
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Thanks for the advice! I found the problem.
He was there:
public void sortData() {
//Here i refer to temporary list, and change it all the time.
adapter.users = usersCopied;
//Instead of I had to use this:
adapter.users = new ArrayList<>(usersCopied);
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