Get an ordered list of files in a folder

I used boost::filesystem::directory_iterator

to get a list of all available files in a given folder.

The problem is that I assumed that this method would give me the files in alphabetical order, while the results seem to be pretty random.

Is there any fancy way to sort them alphabetically?

My current code:

    // Iterate existing files
    boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end_iter;
    for(boost::filesystem::directory_iterator dir_itr(myFolder);
        dir_itr!=end_iter; dir_itr++){

        boost::filesystem::path filePath;
        // Check if it is a file
            std::cout << "Reading file " << dir_itr->path().string() << std::cout;



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1 answer

The most convenient way I've seen to accomplish what you want right from the boost

filesystem tutorial . In this particular example, the author appends the file / directory name to the vector and then uses it std::sort

to ensure the data is in alphabetical order. Your code can easily be updated to use the same type of algorithm.



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