How to navigate within the same page using links in HTML5, JQuery mobile ..?

I have a scenario where I am trying to navigate a page of my android application using links. I am using HTML5 with Phonegap and JQuery Mobile.

For example, I have:

<h3><a name="try"/> Header2 </h3>


and when I give,

<a href="#try"> Navigate to Header2 </a>


to navigate to a header section on the same page, I cannot do this. Can someone please provide some solution for this problem.?

As part of the solution given by @Adleer, tried working with multiple sections of the same HTML document. Below is a sample code for your reference:

<div data-role="page" id="page3">
<div data-role="header">
<h3>Common diphthongs</h3></div></div>

<div data-role="page" id="diphthongs">
<div data-role="content">
<li> Test </li>
<li> item2 </li>

<div data-role="page" id="vowels">
<div data-role="content">
<li><a href="#diphthongs"> Link to Diphthongs </a> </li>
<li><a href="#page3"> Link to page3 </a> </li> </li>


The above code is for one of the provided solutions.


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3 answers

In the last added jsfiddle you had some errors in HTML selectors and attributes. You are using a id

unique id attribute and a $('#Anyname')

case sensitive selector (mind capital / small letters) to access the properties of that element.

Or use an attribute name

with id unqiue and a $('[name=Somename]')

case sensitive selector (mind capital / small letters) to access the properties of that element.

To scroll the list to any element, jQuery Mobile has its own scroll function .silentScroll()

. Please note that $.mobile.silentScroll()

it has no animation, unlike .animate({ scrollTop: value }, animation-speed)



$('selector').on('click', function () {
  var position = $.mobile.activePage.find('#vowels2').get(0).offsetTop;


Where .get(0).offsetTop

is the y-axis position value for the target element and $.mobile.activePage

is the active / current page / viewport.



You want to refer to id, you can use paragraph, span or div.

<span id="try">Header2</span>


Then you can navigate to it as expected:

<a href="#try">Navigate to Header2</a>


Just as you did

<a name="try/> Header2 


is wrong, the quote closure is missing and you are not closing the attribute correctly.



You want to refer to id, you can use paragraph, span or div.

<span id="try">Header2</span>


Then you can navigate to it as expected:

<a href=" #try" data-ajax="false">Navigate to Header2</a>


When you set data-ajax

false it works :) Just tried it ...



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