Query with filter creator on nested array using MongoDB C # driver

Consider the following object structure stored as documents:

public class Foo
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public ICollection<FooBar> Bars { get; set; }

    // ...

public class FooBar
    public string BarId { get; set; }

    // ...


Using a LINQ type query with a driver, I can Find

all Foo

that contains FooBar


like this:

var foos = await m_fooCollection.Find( f => f.Bars.Any( fb => fb.BarId == "123") ).ToListAsync();


How can I achieve this same query using FilterDefinitionBuilder

inline LINQ instead of Find



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1 answer

The query to be executed uses the query statement $elemMatch


So this query using lambda expression

var findFluent = collection.Find(f => f.Bars.Any(fb => fb.BarId == "123"));


Is equivalent to this query with FilterDefinitionBuilder


var findFluent = collection.Find(Builders<Foo>.Filter.ElemMatch(
    foo => foo.Bars, 
    foobar => foobar.BarId == "123"));




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