Algorithm for [inclusive / exclusive] _scan in parallel <algorithm> proposal N3554

Proposition N3554 (Library of Parallel Algorithms) for C ++ 14, offers (among other things) what is similar to the parallel versions of the current one std::partial_sum

, for example:

    class ExecutionPolicy,
    class InputIterator,
    class OutputIterator,
    class BinaryOperation>
OutputIterator inclusive_scan(
    ExecutionPolicy &&exec,
    InputIterator first,
    InputIterator last,
    OutputIterator result,
    BinaryOperation binary_op);


With an explanation

Effects: for each iterator, i in [result, result + (last-first)) performs * i = prefix_sum, where prefix_sum is the result of the corresponding sum init + * iter_0 + * iter_1 + * iter_2 + ... or binary_op (init, binary_op (* iter_0, binary_op (* iter_1, binary_op (* iter_2, ...))) for each iterator iter_j in the range [first, first + (i - result) - 1) ... The order of the sum operands is unspecified.

How can a parallel operation be performed? It looks like, almost by definition, each output of prefix_sum must be calculated for the next next calculation, which basically results in a sequential operation.

Edit Many thanks to Aasmund Eldhuset for his answer. Personally, I've found "Prefix Sums and Their Applications" by Guy E. Blelloch to be very helpful.


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1 answer

Parallel Prefix Sum is a classic distributed programming algorithm that elegantly uses abbreviation followed by distribution (as shown in the article). The main observation is that you can calculate parts of the partial sums before you know the basic terms.



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