Javascript: always pass nth argument in functions as fixed default

the function takes 3 parameters of type

function p(x,y,z){


so when we call it p (12,21,32)

the fourth argument must pass, as they say 56

so efficiently the call should be p (12,21,32,56)

How to do it?

Condition We cannot change the definition of the function. I need to partially bind the fourth argument as something like

p = p.bind (this, '', '', '', 56); or use lodash

and then call p later like

p (12.21.32);

so 56 should pass by default


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4 answers

You can use _.partialRight()

to create a new function that adds arguments to the end of the original function:

function p(a, b, c)
  alert([], ','));

p = _.partialRight(p, 56);
p(1,2,3); // 1,2,3,56

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To precisely specify the position of additional arguments, you can use placeholders:

p = _.partialRight(p, _, _, _, _, _, _, 56); // add 56 as 7th arg
p(1,2,3); // 1,2,3,,,,56




p = (function() {
    var old_p = p;
    return function(a, b, c) {
        return old_p(a, b, c, 56);


We remember the old version p

by name old_p

, so we can still call it even after we have overridden p

. We do this inside the IIFE so it old_p

doesn't pollute the global scope. We then return a function (which is assigned p

) that returns the result of the call old_p

with an additional argument.

We can make it more general to create "bound" functions that add additional arguments to any function call. Below I am using ES6 syntax, especially the spread operator ...

. However, you can do the same by manipulating the object arguments

and using apply


function bind_with_arguments_at_end(f, ...extra_args) {
    return function(...args) {
        return f(...args, ...extra_args);


If the function involved is a method on an object, it makes sense to "pass" that, so the new function can be named as this.bound_func

and everything continues to work. Do this, we can use call


function bind_with_arguments_at_end(f, ...extra_args) {
    return function(...args) {
        return, ...args, ...extra_args);




You can create a new function that uses apply

to redirect its arguments back to the original one, but using Object.assign

to overwrite some of them:

function fixArguments(f, args) {
  return function() {
    return f.apply(this, Object.assign([], args));
p = fixArguments(p, {3: 56}); // Overwrite the 4th argument with 56


function fixArguments(f, args) {
  return function() {
    return f.apply(this, Object.assign([], args));
function p(x,y,z){
p = fixArguments(p, {3: 56});

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Make a copy of the original and override the name and invoke the original with new arguments.

function p(a,b,c,d) {

(function (){
    var org_p = p;  //copy original
    p = function() {  //override p
        var args = [] arguments );  //turn arguments in to array
        args.push(56);  //add the 4th argument
        return org_p.apply( this, args );  //call the original with the updated arguments.


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