C # Overloading returning void and object (string)

I am trying to create an overload function that returns void or a string like this:

public string Message { get; private set; }

public void Foo (Bar bar)
    Message = "Hello World!";

public string Foo (Bar bar)
    return "Hello World!";


But I got the Compile Time


 Type 'Foo' already defines a member called with the same   parameter types.


Is there a way that I can achieve such an overload?


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2 answers

No, there is no such overload.

What method will the compiler call on this line:

Foo (new Bar());


It would be perfectly valid syntax for both without being able to distinguish, and it shouldn't be.

Method overloading must have different parameters. It's just that different return types aren't enough.



No, you cannot do this. Changing the return type does not change the method signature. Below is a link about overloading guidelines



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