Failed to edit netbeans.conf

I am trying to change the 'netbeans.conf' located in the following path:

C: \ Program Files \ NetBeans 8.0.2 \ etc

When I change the file; add



In Notepad, this prevents me from saving the original file.

In Notepad ++, it says, "Please check if this file is open in another program."

Netbeans installs to path -> C: \ Program Files \ NetBeans 8.0.2 \

How can I change the file? Is there a privilege issue?


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2 answers

copy this file and paste on your desktop, edit what you want, then paste into C: \ Program Files \ NetBeans 8.0.2 \ its works location



Close NetBeans, start notepad or another text editor as administrator (right click on the application and select "Run as administrator" and then open "netbeans.conf" with it.



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