Parsing strings with batch script

I have a file called pictures.xml and it contains information about some of the images, for example:

<ResourcePicture Name="a.jpg">
        <GeneratedPicture Name="b.jpg"/>            
        <GeneratedPicture Name="c.jpg"/>

<ResourcePicture Name="z1.jpg">
        <GeneratedPicture Name="z2.jpg"/>
        <GeneratedPicture Name="z3.jpg"/>
        <GeneratedPicture Name="z4.jpg"/>


I want to do this to get each line for a loop and print the names of the images . Output example:

  • a.jpg - b.jpg c.jpg
  • z1.jpg - z2.jpg z3.jpg z4.jpg

I can get every line but cannot get the name attributes

    for /f "Delims=/" %%a in (pictures.xml) do ( 
        echo %%a



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1 answer

This should work:

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%a in (pictures.xml) DO (
    SET b=%%a
    SET b=!b:"=+!
    FOR /F "delims=+ tokens=2" %%c in ("!b!") DO (
        ECHO %%c


This will only output something.jpg

. Here's the expülanation: First we split the file into lines. Now we want to find something.jpg on each line and only print those tokens. This way we can split the strings by "

as a divisor and take the second substring. But we cannot use "

as delim because CMD won't accept it. Therefore, we first replace "

with +

. If it +

can appear in your code, use a different character that is accepted as a delimiter but will not appear in your XML file.

Finally, we can now split each line using +

as a divisor and take the second substring of each line, which will only result in filenames.

EDIT: Here's how to check if your line starts with "ResourcePicture":

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (pictures.xml) do (
    SET b=%%a
    SET prefix=!b:~1,15!
    IF !prefix!==ResourcePicture (
        SET b=!b:"=+!
        FOR /F "delims=+ tokens=2" %%c in ("!b!") DO (
            ECHO %%c




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