Call and use uitableview from uitableviewcell?

I have a UITableViewController with many UITableViewCells. Each cell has a UISwitch button.

Here is my UITableViewController class:

@implementation DanhsachTableViewController{
    NSMutableArray *data;

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    [self loadData];

    - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
        DichVu2TableViewCell *cell = (DichVu2TableViewCell *)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"dscell"];
        NSDictionary *dataCell =  data[indexPath.row];
        cell.service =  dataCell[@"service"];
        cell.package =  dataCell[@"package"];
        cell.loai_goi = dataCell[@"loai_goi"];

        return cell;
-(void) changeCellState:(NSString *)service package:(NSString *)package loaigoi:(NSString *)loai_goi{
    for (int i =0;i<data.count;i++){
        DichVu2TableViewCell *cellLocal = [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:i inSection:0]];
        if ([service isEqualToString:cellLocal.service] && ![package isEqualToString:cellLocal.package] && [loai_goi isEqualToString:cellLocal.loai_goi]){
            [cellLocal.sudung setOn:NO animated:YES];


The "Data" array has been loaded into the loadData method (doesn't matter here, so I'm not including it).

In UITableViewCell (class name: DichVu2TableViewCell) I set the Value Change of Switch event so that every time the switch changes value (eg ON), all other cell switches that have the same "service" and "loai_goi" values ​​will be set value OFF.

DanhsachTableViewController *tableview = [[DanhsachTableViewController alloc] init];
    tableview.tableView.delegate = (DanhsachTableViewController *)self.superview.superview;
[tableview changeCellState:_service package:_package loaigoi:_loai_goi];


But when I call the array "data" above the table view has a 0 object, so nothing happened.

Is there a way to do this?

Hi Oyoy, Thanks for your help.

I have a little problem following your guide. There is some bug in xcode when I am using extracting your code, so I need to customize. But on startup, the program still has an error. Could you please help me to view my code. Thanks in advance.


@class DichVu2TableViewCell;
//Change : NSObject to <NSObject> because XCode 6.3 has error.
@protocol DichVu2TableViewCellDelegate <NSObject>

-(void)changeCell:(DichVu2TableViewCell *)sender state:(NSString *)service package:(NSString *)package loaigoi:(NSString *)loai_goi;


@interface DichVu2TableViewCell : UITableViewCell

@property (weak) id <DichVu2TableViewCellDelegate> delegate;




@implementation DichVu2TableViewCell
- (void)someSwitchingEvent
    [self.delegate changeCell:self state:_service package:_package loaigoi:_loai_goi];



@interface DanhsachTableViewController : UITableViewController

@property (strong,nonatomic) NSString *loaitb;
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSString *type;
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property NSMutableArray *pre_inuse_;
@property NSMutableArray *data_inuse_;
@property NSMutableArray *vas_inuse_;



#import "DichVu2TableViewCell.h"
//Change <DichVu2TableViewCellDelegate> to (DichVu2TableViewCellDelegate) because XCode 6.3 has error.
@interface DanhsachTableViewController (DichVu2TableViewCellDelegate)
@property (nonatomic) NSIndexPath *forUpdateIndexPath;

@implementation DanhsachTableViewController{
    NSMutableArray *data;

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    DichVu2TableViewCell *cell = (DichVu2TableViewCell *)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"dscell"];
    NSDictionary *dataCell =  data[indexPath.row];
    cell.service =  dataCell[@"service"];
    cell.package =  dataCell[@"package"];
    cell.loai_goi = dataCell[@"loai_goi"];
    cell.kieu_goi = dataCell[@"kieu_goi"];

    [cell.sudung setOn:NO animated:YES];
    cell.delegate = self;
//Change cellLocal —> cell because there are no cellLocal avaiable. And Program error when run to this row.
    [cell.sudung setOn:(self.forUpdateIndexPath == indexPath) animated:YES];

    return cell;

-(void)changeCell:(DichVu2TableViewCell *)sender state:(NSString *)service package:(NSString *)package loaigoi:(NSString *)loai_goi
//Add cellLocal —> cell because there are no cellLocal avaiable
    DichVu2TableViewCell *cellLocal = (DichVu2TableViewCell *)[self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:self.forUpdateIndexPath];
    if ([service isEqualToString:cellLocal.service] && ![package isEqualToString:cellLocal.package] && [loai_goi isEqualToString:cellLocal.loai_goi]){
        // get the indexPath of the cell
        self.forUpdateIndexPath =  [self.tableView indexPathForCell:sender];
        // update the date source
        NSMutableDictionary *dataCell =  [data[self.forUpdateIndexPath.row] mutableCopy];
        [dataCell setObject:service forKey:@"service"];
        [dataCell setObject:package forKey:@"package"];
        [dataCell setObject:loai_goi forKey:@"loai_goi"];
        // you dont need the for-statement just reload the table
        [self.tableView reloadData];
        // then update the switch inside `- cellForRowAtIndexPath`




source to share

2 answers

A more efficient method would be to use custom delegates.

  • You can declare a protocol in your class UITableViewController

  • Declare a function changeCellState

    in the protocol.
  • Create a delegate property on the class UITableViewCell

  • Calling the delegate method from the class UITableViewCell

    when the value of the switch changes.
  • UITableViewController

    itself will receive the message and the function will be called accordingly.


Have you tried registering self.superview.superview;

? are you sure of the type UIViewController


if so:

Do not call [[DanhsachTableViewController alloc]

instead use DanhsachTableViewController

from your parent view

DanhsachTableViewController *tableview = (DanhsachTableViewController *)self.superview.superview;
[tableview changeCellState:_service package:_package loaigoi:_loai_goi];



DanhsachTableViewController *tableview = [[DanhsachTableViewController alloc] init];

assigns a new DanhsachTableViewController

class rather than an existing one.


USE protocol


When using a delegate, you don't need it self.superview.superview


UNDER DichVu2TableViewCell

@class DichVu2TableViewCell; 

@protocol DichVu2TableViewCellDelegate <NSObject>

-(void)changeCell:(DichVu2TableViewCell *)sender state:(NSString *)service package:(NSString *)package loaigoi:(NSString *)loai_goi;


@interface DichVu2TableViewCell : UIViewController

@property (weak) id <DichVu2TableViewCellDelegate> delegate;


@implementaion DichVu2TableViewCell


- (void)someSwitchingEvent
    [self.delegate changeCell:self state:_service package:_package loaigoi:_loai_goi];




UNDER DanhsachTableViewController

// assuming you alreading imported the `DichVu2TableViewCell` like 
// #import "DichVu2TableViewCell.h"
// set the delegate

@interface DanhsachTableViewController () <DichVu2TableViewCellDelegate>

@property (nonatomic) NSIndexPath *forUpdateIndexPath;


// then implement the method from the delegate under implementation file

@implementation DanhsachTableViewController
    NSMutableArray *data;

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];
    [self loadData];

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    DichVu2TableViewCell *cell = (DichVu2TableViewCell *)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"dscell"];
    NSDictionary *dataCell =  data[indexPath.row];
    cell.service =  dataCell[@"service"];
    cell.package =  dataCell[@"package"];
    cell.loai_goi = dataCell[@"loai_goi"];

    // this is the magic .. :)
    cell.delegate = self;

    [cell.sudung setOn:(self.forUpdateIndexPath == indexPath) animated:YES];

    return cell;

-(void)changeCell:(DichVu2TableViewCell *)sender state:(NSString *)service package:(NSString *)package loaigoi:(NSString *)loai_goi
    // `self.forUpdateIndexPath` is declared as property

   if ([service isEqualToString:service] && ![package isEqualToString:package] && [loai_goi isEqualToString:loai_goi]){

        // get the indexPath of the cell
        self.forUpdateIndexPath =  [self.tableView indexPathForCell:sender];

        // update the date source
        NSMutableDictionary *dataCell =  [data[self.forUpdateIndexPath.row] mutableCopy];

        [dataCell setObject:service forKey:@"service"];
        [dataCell setObject:package forKey:@"package"];
        [dataCell setObject:loai_goi forKey:@"loai_goi"];

        // you dont need the for-statement just reload the table

        [self.tableView reloadData];

        // then the switch will be updated inside `- cellForRowAtIndexPath`



Hope this will be more useful now .. :) Cheers ...



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