IOS app switcher CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString

In our iOS app, we misused CFBundleShortVersionString and CFBundleVersion (we change them, don't ask why ...) But now we want to change them and use them in the right direction, but we don’t know how.

It is currently configured like this:

CFBundleShortVersionString: 505101
CFBundleVersion: 3.4.0


With the new version (4.0.0) we want to set things right and in an idealistic world change it to:

CFBundleShortVersionString: 4.0.0
CFBundleVersion: 20150623


But iTunes Connect disagrees; because the previous CFBundleShortVersionString is higher than the new one.

What is the correct way to install correctly in this case?


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1 answer

This is not possible in the current iTunes Connect because user devices are notified of app updates due to checking version short numbers.

Your only options are to either suck it, or show it off, or create a new app package where the settings are correct.



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