Ion-nav-view with nested ion-nav-view not working
I have a strange problem with ion-nav-view
nesting. When I load the app in the browser, I see the url changes to /app/menu
, but the page has no content from menu.html
. The page is empty.
Below is the code snippet
<body ng-app="starter">
.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
state("app", {
url: "/app",
abstract: true,
templateUrl: "templates/default.html",
controller: "AdaptiveController"
.state("", {
url: "/app/menu",
views: {
"page-content": {
templateUrl: "templates/menu.html",
controller: "MenuController"
<ion-nav-view name="page-content"></ion-nav-view>
<ion-header-bar class="bar bar-positive bar-header" align-title="center" no-tap-scroll="true">
<div class="buttons buttons-left header-item">
<span class="left-buttons"></span>
<div class="bar bar-header bar-positive header-item">Welcome</div>
<div class="buttons buttons-right header-item">
<span class="right-buttons"></span>
<ion-item class="item item-icon-left">
<i class="icon ion-person"/>
If I change the code in default.html
to make it work.
<ion-side-menus enable-menu-with-back-views="false">
<ion-nav-view name="page-content"></ion-nav-view>
Does this mean that Ion-nav browsing needs tabs or ion-side menus? Can't it work with ionic review?
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1 answer
Try changing your code:
.state("", {
url: "/app/menu",
views: {
"page-content": {
templateUrl: "templates/menu.html",
controller: "MenuController"
.state("", {
url: "/menu",
views: {
"page-content": {
templateUrl: "templates/menu.html",
controller: "MenuController"
in hrefs continue to write # / app / menu
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