Can I reach "/ web" path from container in Symfony2?

I need to save a file in a path /web/import

and I ask what is the best way for it. I have a class defined in /Service/SyncController.php

and it extends from Controller


class SyncController extends Controller { ... } 


This class is also defined as a service:

    class: PDI\PDOneBundle\Service\SyncController
    arguments: ["@service_container", "@doctrine.orm.entity_manager", "@request_stack", "%kernel.root_dir%"]


Do I need to pass an argument "%kernel.root_dir%"

to access the web path like $this->webRoot = realpath($rootDir . '/../web')

or can I do it with @service_container

? What is the correct way to get the path to /web/import

in order to save the files there?


source to share

1 answer

we use this configuration to do this.

in parameters .yml

upload_path: "/images/uploads"
upload_dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/../web%upload_path%"


we are splitting the path from dir just for readability.

in the controller:

$work_dir = $this->container->getParameter('upload_dir');




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