Using Parallel.ForEach with / or async / await

I am trying to check my image urls to see if they are valid. I have so many of them that it takes hours to complete this task. So I decided to do it asynchronously. I would like to know if there are any big differences or advantages in my code as shown below.

My main functions:

Async Function testUrl_async(ByVal myImageurl As String) As Task(Of Boolean)

   myHttpResponse = Await myHttpClient.GetAsync(myImageurl)
    If myHttpResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode Then
        mySuccess = True
        mySuccess = False
    End If

    Return mySuccess
End Function

 Function testUrl(ByVal myImageurl As String) As  Boolean

   myHttpResponse = myHttpClient.GetAsync(myImageurl)
    If myHttpResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode Then
        mySuccess = True
        mySuccess = False
    End If

    Return mySuccess
End Function


1) using async.

For Each myImage In myImages
    Dim result=await testUrl_async(myImageUrl).Result 
    'some code                  


2) using parallel foreach

        testUrl(pictureComponent.websiteShop.hqpatronen, myImageUrl) 
        'some code
    End Sub)


3) using parallel foreach and asnyc / await

        await testUrl_async(pictureComponent.websiteShop.hqpatronen, myImageUrl) 
    'some code
    End Sub)


The third option might be a better solution, but it won't let me call Await

/ Async

in ForEach


If I use the second, the function testurl

has an asynchronous HTTP call, but not with Await

, so it throws an error:

[TaskCanceledException: Task canceled.]

on the line that calls myHttpClient.GetAsync

. I am assuming that it is throwing this exception because it ForEach

ended and cancellation was requested, but the httpclient has not yet exited. How can I handle this if this might be the best solution?

Alternatively any other solution that makes my job faster.


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1 answer

You certainly don't want to use Parallel.ForEach

. Parallel

is designed to distribute CPU-bound algorithms across multiple cores, which will give you no benefit (in your scenario, your algorithm is not CPU-bound).

What you really want is concurrency, not parallelism. Asynchronous concurrency can be accomplished with Task.WhenAll


Dim tasks = myImages.Select(Function(x) testUrl_async(x))
Dim results = Await Task.WhenAll(tasks)




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