Safari crash on autocomplete credit card information

On iPhone and iPad, I have a weird issue around one website and Safari. The website is an online store and when someone orders groceries and fills in credit card information, submit credit card filling information with autofill information. If you click "Yes" or "No", the safari crashes. I looked at the CSS that the property transition

didn't create the problem or some jQuery code, but I didn't find the problem.

Using Bootstrap v3.3.2 site, jQuery v1.11.2 and jQuery UI v1.11.4 in side design. Not my design, but I need to fix this mess now.


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2 answers

Perhaps this is a webkit related bug? I experienced something like this a few weeks ago on OS X (Chrome dev channel). This bug was found to be a problem in Chromium issue tracking .



I had a similar problem too, I was working on something that required a lot of listeners.

Firefox crashed at one point, but the other browser was fine.

Just link the listener to what you want, remember to undo everything else.

But without reference, we can just make a hypothesis



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