Is there a way to replace a substring with the same number of X characters with its length?

I am trying to match some lines in a file with Perl with a regex that will judge them with the same number of X characters as the length of the original string. For example, a file might contain something like:

"the quick brown hello world fox jumps over the world" etc. etc.


and a dictionary which, for example, has strings like: "hello world"

and what I will load into the array before.

I would like to get the following result:

"the quick brown XXXXX XXXXX fox jumps over the world" etc. etc.



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3 answers

You must use modifier /e

substitution to replace expression along with repetition operatorx

The code looks like this. The construct \Q

... \E

should avoid any non-letter letters so that they are interpreted literally instead of regex metacharacters

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

my $s = 'the quick brown hello world fox jumps over the world';

my $pattern = 'hello world';

$s =~ s/(\Q$pattern\E)/'X' x length $1/e;

say $s;



the quick brown XXXXXXXXXXX fox jumps over the world



If you want to keep the space in the replaced string, you will need two nested note replacements like

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.014;

use Data::Dump;

my $s = 'the quick brown hello world fox jumps over the world';

my $pattern = 'hello world';

$s =~ s{(\Q$pattern\E)}{ s/(\S+)/'x' x length($1)/egr }e;

say $s;



the quick brown xxxxx xxxxx fox jumps over the world


or if you are using a very old version of Perl (prior to v5.14) you need this

$s =~ s{(\Q$pattern\E)}{ (my $r = $1) =~ s/(\S+)/'x' x length($1)/eg; $r }e;





However, your language may have a regex replacement function that accepts a callback. Then you can do something like this:

>>> re.sub(r'o+b', lambda m: 'x' * len(, 'foobar')




Less elegant than ThiefM's answer (Python):

import re
str_to_replace = 'hello world'
print re.sub(str_to_replace, re.sub('\w', 'x', str_to_replace), \
    "the quick brown hello world fox jumps over the world")

# another option 
print "the quick brown hello world fox jumps over the world".replace(str_to_replace, re.sub('\w', 'x', str_to_replace))



the quick brown xxxxx xxxxx fox jumps over the world


PHP solution for @ rubenrp81:

$msg = "the quick brown hello world fox jumps over the world";
$str = "hello world";
$rep = preg_replace("/\w/", "x", $str);
$patt = "/$str/";
$res = preg_replace($patt, $rep, $msg);
echo $res; // prints: "the quick brown xxxxx xxxxx fox jumps over the world"




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