How do I programmatically launch the "correct" default launcher? Labels lose their name

What I have done so far:

I am facing some issues with the launchers. My app is adding shortcuts to the launcher workspace (desktop). But on some devices (Samsum Duos), for example, names and / or icons changed after rebooting to my default app.

So, I am currently looking at 1000 lines of code in android source to identify the problem, but couldn't find it.

I saw in InstallShortcutReceiver a comment on line 183 that the "name" provided Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME

may some situations only be used for comparison, etc. and will be replaced with the default application name.

    // This name is only used for comparisons and notifications, so fall back to activity name
    // if not supplied


But (my Samsum Duos is rooted) I could find complete information about cell position and shortcutInfo inside launcher.db .

So after a reboot it was not , but it may not have been initialized correctly!

  • First question:

Does anyone know the reason for creating a custom, programmatically generated shortcut to change the title and icon to the application that created it?

Next story:

I noticed that this question was reproducible on my Samsum Duos, so I decided to exclude "Install Devices" from the "Save Launcher" list.

To get the default launcher I do the following:

    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
    ResolveInfo resolveInfo = null;
    try {
        resolveInfo = context.getPackageManager().resolveActivity(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); //can return null!
    }catch(RuntimeException e){
        ExceptionHandler.logAndSendException(e);//package manager has died
        return false;


But now the problem is that it always returns that the default launchers package:

which will be the default android. But I know that Samsum uses the TouchWiz home package which is under ! This is also where I found launcher.db and all of its ShortcutInfo.

2. Second question

How can I reproduce the correct default launcher to identify which launcher is being used?


I kind of fixed the second issue. Somehow the ResolveInfo I get from the PackageManager does n't look reliable .

For Samsum Duos I get: =
resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName = //this is what I need


But for Redmi MIUI: = com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher //this time I would need this
  resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName = com.miui.home //the packageName is not complete!


I need a unique ID to run! So I thought would be the path, but that is not in some situations. And packageManager seems to be applied to too many devices. Any suggestions?



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