How to run selenium tests using Jenkins / Maven?

I installed Jenkins on my local Ubuntu machine, pointed to my jdk and maven, created a job to run Selenium tests and gave it the path to the pom.xml in the project, but when I try to run the job, it crashes right away. The console output reads

Building in workspace / var / lib / jenkins / workspace / new work [new job] $ / usr / share / maven2 / bin / mvn -f / pathto / pom.xml -Dtests = firefox_tests.xml -Dreceiver = myemail @ myemail .com ... You must specify at least one goal or lifecycle phase to complete the build steps. The following list illustrates some of the commonly used build commands: mvn clean Removes any build output (such as class files or JARs). Mvn test ...

I just don't know how to proceed. How can I get past this error and get Selenium tests to work with Jenkins and Maven? Thank.


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2 answers

Have you hooked up your selenium test to the Maven lifecycle?

Typically selenium tests will run as part of the integration-test phase, which can be configured with the plugin config as shown below in your pom.xml



With this addition to your pom (and all Selenium dependencies in place), you should be able to run your selenium tests with

mvn clean integration-test


And this is also the command that you must specify in your CI server. Or, if it just asks you to complete the goals, select: "clean integration-test"



According to your errors and findings, you run it like:

mvn -f /pathto/pom.xml -Dtests=firefox_tests.xml


So there is no purpose of what to build here. How do you start it manually? Perhaps you forgot to run "mvn test -f ..."?



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