How to add custom link to Yii 2 validation error message?

I would like to add a custom link in a validation confirmation based on Yii 2 model.

I am using the following code at the moment -

public function rules()
  return [
    ['email', 'required'],
    ['email', 'email'],
    ['email', 'unique', 'targetClass' => '\common\models\User', 
                        'message' =>   'Email address has already been taken.'],


I want this message to be displayed like this:

"Email address is busy. Already registered? Then login here ."

How can I achieve this?


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1 answer

As noted in the comment, you need to add a link to your parameter message

, and also to prevent link encoding, you need to set the encode parameter to false.

$form->field($model, 'email', ['errorOptions' => ['class' => 'help-block' ,'encode' => false]])->textInput()




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