Deploy to camunda process engine

What I want to achieve is this: put the camunda-7.3 distribution with the rest-api. You have another server, say wildfly server, working with vaadin application deployment.

From within the vaadin application, I want to create a cmmn case and deploy / run it in the process engine. Then, from within the vaadin application, I want to display some kind of task list for active tasks.

The question here is: is this customization possible? If so, how to deploy the new cmmn block to the engine?

I have checked the tutorials from the camunda webpage, but each tutorial only deploys cmmn cases (and bpmn processes) by deploying a different webapp to the server that hosts the camunda engine. Camunda, on the other hand, refers to the clean state that a self-contained camunda engine can be used.

Anyone have any thoughts on this topic?


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1 answer

To deploy BPMN processes and CMMN cases, you can

1) Login

curl -w "\n" --cookie-jar cookie.txt \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -d "username=$USERNAME" \
  -d "password=$PASSWORD" \


2) Deployment (see )

curl -w "\n" --cookie cookie.txt \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -F "deployment-name=rest-test" \
  -F "enable-duplicate-filtering=false" \
  -F "deploy-changed-only=false" \
  -F "process.bpmn=@$PROCESS" \




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