How to define markers in Flash TLFTextField?
2 answers
This is not a solid solution, but it did solve my problem. I am sharing my code so that it can help anyone who comes across this issue.
// Imagine you have to apply bullet to the text index between beginIndex, endIndex
var index : int = beginIndex;
var le : FlowLeafElement = this.textFlow.findLeaf( index + 1 );
var listEle : ListElement = new ListElement();
while( le && index < endIndex ) {
if( le ){
var p : ParagraphElement = le.getParagraph();
if( p ) {
index += p.getText().length + 1;
if ( p.getText().length > 0 && ( !( p.parent is ListItemElement ) ) ) {
var childIndex : int = this.textFlow.getChildIndex( p );
this.textFlow.removeChild( p );
listEle = new ListElement();
var listItem : ListItemElement = new ListItemElement();
listItem.addChild( p );
listEle.addChild( listItem );
if( childIndex >= 0 ){
this.textFlow.addChildAt( childIndex, listEle );
} else {
this.textFlow.addChild( listEle );
le = le.getNextLeaf();
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try it
var pText:String = "<list listStylePosition='inside' listStyleType='disc' afterFormat = '\t' paddingLeft = '30' tabStops='e100 s700'>" +
"<li><p>Mango</p></li>" +
"<li><p>Apple</p></li>" +
var t:TLFTypographicCase;
textLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
//textLayoutFormat.color = "#ffffff";
textLayoutFormat.fontFamily = "Myriad Pro";
textLayoutFormat.fontSize = 36;
textLayoutFormat.paragraphSpaceBefore = 12;
linkNormal = new TextLayoutFormat();
linkNormal.color = 0x26e1fd;
linkNormal.fontFamily = textLayoutFormat.fontFamily;
linkNormal.fontSize = textLayoutFormat.fontSize;
richTextArea.textFlow = TextFlowUtil.importFromString(pText);
richTextArea.textFlow.format = textLayoutFormat;
richTextArea.textFlow.linkNormalFormat = linkNormal;
Please check this link for more help ..
Hope it helps
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