FinderSync context menu calls action in wrong class

I have a very strange problem here: I am writing a FinderSync extension, more specifically, adding items to the context menu. Now if I pack everything into one class, it works fine:

1) I have a main extension class called FinderSync

2) In this class, I am implementing

- (NSMenu *)menuForMenuKind:(FIMenuKind)whichMenu


3) In this method, I write (by the way):

NSMenuItem *myItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc]


4) There is a method in FinderSync class

- (IBAction)myAction:(id)sender;


5) This method is called expected when the user clicks on a menu item.

Now: I am trying to pass context menu functions to another class called ContextMenuHandler. The situation now:

1) I have a main extension class called FinderSync and another class ContextMenuHandler. FinderSync creates a ContextMenuHandler instance and stores a reference (_contextMenuHandler) to it.

2) Both classes implement

- (NSMenu *)menuForMenuKind:(FIMenuKind)whichMenu


3) FinderSync implementation of the ForMenuKind does nothing but call

return [_contextMenuHandler menuForMenuKind:whichMenu];


4) ContextMenuHandler creates NSMenuItem. (Exactly the same code). I even tried to add:

[myItem setTarget:self];
[myItem setAction:@selector(myAction:)];


Both classes implement myAction.

5) Expected: myAction from ContextMenuHandler is called after clicking on the menu item   Observed: myAction FinderSync is called ...

I also restart finder after updates and the breakpoint in ContextMenuHandler hits correctly, so it doesn't seem to be a problem with the running version of FinderSync.

Does anyone have an explanation (or fix) for this strange behavior?


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1 answer

The docs FIFinderSyncProtocol

provide useful context:

menu(for menu: FIMenuKind)

The main extension object provides a method for each assigned menu item.

Indicates that the "main extension object" provides an action method, as you notice.

Special properties of the menu item are used: name, action, image and enabled.

Since 10.11: tag, state and indentationLevel also work and submenus are allowed.

Notably, this list of supported NSMenuItem

properties does not appear target

. The specified target for the action cannot be set, so Apple simply calls the action in a FinderSync subclass.

I faced a similar problem with a property representedObject

. Not saved by the time we get the menu item sender




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