How do I disable two-factor authentication in GitLab?

i changed the gitlab server. On the old one, I created a backup and now I imported the backup to the new system. Everyting works!

Now I have a problem: I cannot login due to two factor authentication. I think the secret is the salty change.

This is the log:

Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "user"=>{"otp_attempt"=>"[FILTERED]"}}

Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 10ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)

OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError (bad decrypt):
app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb:95:in valid_otp_attempt?'
app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb:63:in authenticate_with_two_factor'


How do I disable two-factor authentication for a single user?



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5 answers

This command enables two-factor authentication for all users :sudo gitlab-rails runner 'User.update_all(otp_required_for_login: false, encrypted_otp_secret: "")'



Gitlab has updated the command to disable two-factor authentication for all users:

sudo gitlab-rails runner 'User.find_each(&:disable_two_factor!)'

@Poldixd's answer should still work. Unless it tries to set encrypted_opt_secret to value nil

instead ""


Found it here:



To install from source you can run

cd /home/git/gitlab
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rails console production


to get the rails console and then type

User.update_all(otp_required_for_login: false, encrypted_otp_secret: nil, encrypted_otp_secret_iv: nil, encrypted_otp_secret_salt: nil, otp_backup_codes: nil)


to run the command.



For those looking for how to disable 2FA for just one user. I found a working solution:

User.where(username: "username_goes_here").each(&:disable_two_factor!)



I disable 2FA for Gitlab Docker for all users with:

package sudo -u git -H exec rake gitlab: two_factor: disable_for_all_users RAILS_ENV = production



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