Avoid running Unit Test in parallel for all tests in one class

For performance reasons, I am running Unit Test in parallel. There are several classes where unit tests cannot run in parallel (I know this is problematic, but trying to find an intermediate solution).

Is there a way to set up tests to run in a class consistently across all tests in a solution?


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2 answers

Use xunit and turn off parallelism using

[assembly: CollectionBehavior(DisableTestParallelization = true)]


in the AssemblyInfo.cs file of your unit test project.

If you are using Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework

, have a look at this link to see how easy it is to jump to xunit Comparing xUnit.net to other platforms



It looks like the setting is at the project level, so having two test projects with different settings might be an intermediate solution.




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